14 August, 2021



Repaint in progress.
Ilford HP5 at 400 in Bellini Eco (Xtol). 50mm Summicron. July 2021.
Image © John Banting 2021
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Boxes and Bellows


Andrea Ingram said...

Do you prefer the co to the duo step?

John said...

Andrea, The Eco but I don't seem to have used much of either
I have seen good reports from NTPhotos for the Bellini HC110
replacement, and might try that if I ever get some more film
used, but probably Perceptol or just D-76 / ID-11 are more
than good enough for me.
But it is fun to try out different solutions.
I wonder if Bellini might do a liquid Perceptol equivalent.
HP5 at 250/320 in Perceptol was my fav combination before
things went electric. (I don't mean Bob Dylan).